Battery charger

Battery chargers and power supplies and Industrial Systems

Il The rectifier - battery charger is used as a DC auxiliary power supplier in railway systems for converting and sorting electricity. The system is powered by a three-phase voltage at 380Vac 50Hz and outputs a direct voltage of adequate value for the power supply of DC users and for the simultaneous charging of the auxiliary emergency batteries.
Il The battery charger consists of two main modules (drawers) called:

  • Power supply unit (GAL)
  • Battery charger group (GCB).

The two groups are coordinated and interconnected through a connection module called the output switching group (GCU).
The system can be configured both in a single version and in a redundant version.

For both battery charger configurations we have:

- Power unit supply (GAL) responsible for providing a stabilized power supply for DC users
- Battery charger group (GCB) intended for charging and maintaning the system batteries
- Output switching group (GCU) responsible for connecting the batteries to the output terminals in the event of a power failure or emergency.

The absence of voltage dips during the switching phase between the normal power source (power supply from the mains) and the battery power source is guaranteed by an intermediate voltage socket which allows you not to have a sudden drop in the output voltage during the switching trasient.

Technical data
Ambient condition
Service temperature -5 ÷ +40°C
Ambient Saline/dusty
Altitude < 1000 m. a.s.l.
Relative humidity < 95%
Mechanical data
Dimensions 800 x 800 x 2050 (LxWxH)
Weight 400kg
Cable entry From below
Protection degree IP31
Electrical data
Supply voltage 380 V 50Hz Three-phase
Power supply output (GAL)
Nominal tension 110/132 Vcc ± 1%
Rated current 50A continuous - 100A for 1 '
Battery charger output (GCB)
Load buffer 122/143 VCC
Fully charge 128/147 VCC
Maximum current 50A
Battery capacity 200 Ah/10h
N° elements 54/63

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